It’s Your Energy
It’s my energy and my responsibility to renew and protect it.
Folks are in pain, some truly tormented, and instead of living in their own energy flow, they may try to sample yours or even rob you of it. We will be kind to them all but also clear.
Those who are not consciously demanding a better world for all can sap your joy just by being around you. You might “agree to disagree” but they will still drain you.
I find energy in my garden, or in meditation, or through music. Sometimes it’s all three at the same time. Ideally, we would all experience and exchange our energies. After all, we all have access to our Source.
You have to prioritize yourself. There’s a story in the Bible about bridesmaids who needed oil-burning lamps to find their way to the wedding. Some of these women did not prepare for the duration and ran out of oil. They asked their friends to share. “Go get your own” was the response.
Don’t be ashamed when you need to tell or show people your energy is for you.