The Unraveling Social Fabric?

People are sporting hair colors we didn’t know existed. Tattoos are no longer just for sailors and bikers. Kids are teaching parents. Women are playing football with men. My 11-year-old grandson prefers sushi to burgers.

We’re hearing land acknowledgements, perhaps more than the Pledge. Visit your bank, or local government center, and you might see it entirely staffed by Latine neighbors. How many of us elders had Black teachers or professors when we were young? Look at TV commercials: where did all the white folks go?

And we’re all sharing our pronouns.

Some parents are disturbed that their children are learning about sex as part of their elementary school education. To them, it’s a sign that everything is falling apart. They call for modesty, not considering that biblical modesty lessons have to do with extravagance and wealth.

Some long for the “good old days” when physical science was, well, like everything else… retro. This outrage happens in a day when 10-year-olds are sexting and pulling up porn on their mobile devices, and girls’ menstrual lives start at age 11.

Not only are we changing, but we’re also just getting started. Much of the conflict we’re going through is due to our unwillingness to accept that our lives are already irreversibly different.

Things that look and sound like moral transgressions might simply be an embrace of difference. Look to the communities, the people in your world, who remain undaunted by the thrill of social transformation. It could explain much if you do not have such people in your world.

May we all lift our eyes in expectancy of what is new. That is where our true security lies.

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)






Brittney Griner

we love you.

Brittney Griner we love you.



Who Will Go To Hell?


We’re Mortals. We’re All Standing In The Same Line. Next Up?