Feel Like You’re Learning Too Late?
Our thirst for Ultimate Reality is a lifelong experience. We may allow the sharpening focus we experience as we age suggests we kick ourselves for not “getting it” before.
Please don’t kick yourself. Ever.
Factor that your restlessness led you to question your assumptions, but also that those assumptions were not part of your essential self. They gave you temporary satisfaction but, as it is said about eating Chinese food, you were hungry again in short order.
Instead of kicking yourself, you ought to pat yourself on the back. You were there, but you did not stay. Your longing to enter into the fullness of love, perfect love, and openness motivated you to explore. You were given so little to start with. Your assumptions were drilled into you, and you tried hard to measure up. Measuring up started to mess up your life. Measuring up strained your relationships. Measuring up estranged your family. Measuring up left you lonely.
You were given so little with which to start but start, you did. People began to wonder what was wrong with you as you kept seeking. You were born into a world that gave instructions for “survival” and “success.” What it led to was emptiness. You played by the rules and found that the rules could not keep you in the game. You performed the things that everyone required.
Now and then, a shooting star, a kind and compassionate vector, shone upon you, but you couldn’t see that person as a guide, as a way out. That person was not playing by the rules and was not qualified to show you “survival” and “success.”
But despite your orientation, after you hurt yourself and hurt others over and over again, a miracle began to develop. You are that miracle. You are to be rewarded. You are being rewarded. Awarded. So, get up on the winners’ podium and accept your medal—the gold one. Take a rest here, and delight in the moment where you are your biggest fan and offer yourself the biggest applause.
People are waiting for you to place it around your neck so they can applaud too.
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”
(Matthew 13:44-46)
Brittney Griner
we love you.
Brittney Griner we love you.