Invade, Seize, Control, Dominate, Kill… (Rest Assured, Churches Will Stay Quiet)
I know people who are, or have been part of Veronica Springs Church and the other local churches not mentioned by name in this VICE article. Veronica Springs is where my daughter and son-in-law were married (they rented the place and never attended).
We should not be too shocked that there’s no open conversation, nor public commemoration of the horrible murders of these two children one year after their deaths. Churches like these, which are growing increasingly extremist, have a history of ignoring the unjust killing of innocents, especially the powerless.
They say nothing about the children of Flint. They are quiet about caged children on our Southern border. They don't have much to say about Indian residential schools. They pray for victims of war but never seem to notice what is happening to Palestinian children.
But they tell us they care desperately about the unborn.
They are not of the tradition of speaking out against the genocide of Indigenous persons, brutality and massacres against Africans in the U.S., invading and killing of Mexicans, invading and killing Hawaiians, invading and killing the people of Grenada, or Las Islas Malvinas.
They probably don't even know much about these tragedies, due to their reliance on news sources that lean religious/white nationalist, but invading is sort of their thing. They invade schools, media, and courts.
They care more for the police than their unarmed Black victims.
How would I know? I was a quasi-insider to these communities for years. I thought their religious/white nationalism was a design flaw but came to see it as a feature.
They preach the name of Jesus. They spread their gospel to other countries. They welcome the requisite proportion of minoritized persons into their assemblies. It has long been this way.
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