• Smiling person in a black suit walking outdoors on a boardwalk with a blurred background.

    Change Maker Matt Lowe

    I have studied systems, organizations, and the path to personal transformation so I could understand how to build a world that is healing personally, culturally, and institutionally. I believe we are all agents of change if we meet our great healing with the world’s great pain.


  • Bald man with a goatee in a red shirt smiling

    Tim Nafziger

    Tim Nafziger (he/him) is a Mennonite organizer who lives in the Ventura River watershed on the traditional lands of the Chumash people in southern California. He works as a digital consultant, web developer, writer and photographer. He geeks out on board games, science fiction, deep conversations and facilitating meetings. Tim also thrives on cross-pollination, relationship building and small teams working for social change.


  • A smiling woman with long brown hair wearing a black and teal embroidered top against a light blue background.

    Sahar Alsahlani

    Sahar Alsahlani is an American-Muslim television writer, producer, editor, interfaith peace activist, public speaker, and media commentator. Sahar has been on the interfaith scene in NYC for six years, in myriad roles that promote interfaith social justice. She is a trustee with The Parliament of the World’s Religions.
