Episode 41: David’s Visit to Parliament

David attended the Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago this past September. This episode features micro-interviews with attendees from various parts of the world. The significance of the Parliament of the World's Religions in its hometown, where it has been bringing people together on the shores of Lake Michigan for 130 years, was celebrated. This year, the return to in-person gatherings enriched this legacy, bringing together new people and collective hope. Attendees from 95 countries made this the most internationally attended event in the history of the Parliament. Our shared call to conscience was celebrated, with diverse voices of faith, spiritual, and political leaders engaging in discussions at the forefront of threats to freedom, democracy, and human rights worldwide.


David is a University of California Santa Barbara alum and leads Santa Barbara’s Beloved Community Church, and also Jesus Collective, an online community which exists to foster wholeness and equity by healing relationships and cultural divides, honoring the dignity of all peoples, and protecting the biodiversity of our planet, through actively listening, understanding, partnering, and serving. He is the author of Making America Great Again: Fairy Tale? Horror Story? Dream Come True? Learn more at www.davidnmoore.com

Kerry Connelly, (she / her) MDiv, CCLC is the author of Good White Racist? Confronting Your Role in Racial Injustice and Wait, Is This Racist? A Guide to Becoming an Antiracist Church. Kerry holds her Master of Divinity from Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, where she is currently pursuing her Doctorate of Ministry. She is a Certified Coach with additional certifications in DISC personality styles, conflict resolution (Cornell University), + she is a NYC Leadership Fellow. Passionate about all things spiritual, she is also trained in a number of intuitive energy healing modalities, including traditional Usui Reiki and Angel Reiki. When she is not consulting with predominantly White churches to help them deconstruct White pseudosupremacy in their daily operations, she is working 1:1 with clients to help them connect with their own higher guidance and to live deeply intuitive lives. You can learn more about Kerry at www.kerryconnelly.com.


Episode 42: Vote Common Good w/ Doug Pagitt, part 1


Episode 40: The Naked Pastor w/ David Hayward, pt. 2