They Might Desire Your Presence even if They’re not Showing It

Maybe just not right now.

We are being tested. Sometimes we may not excel. We want an A, but we maybe get a C. 

Just when we think we’re making progress in inter-human relations, we experience a new strain. But we can’t give up. Continuing to love does not mean there’s a fix for every relationship, but we need to be cautious lest we leave a person behind. You can keep hope even though you have to keep your distance from family, friends, and colleagues who are harmful to you (keeping distance may be the only way to not be reduced to contempt).

I still believe that unrequited love is the universe’s oxygen. People need to know you are there for them even when they are not there for you.

He drew a circle that shut me out —  
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.  
But Love and I had the wit to win:  
We drew a circle that took him in.

Edwin Markham



I Have Been Frequently Ghosted


Still Know Who You Are, and Who You Are Becoming