No Need to Shame Anyone

It feels to me like we’re living through the most fractured times ever.


I just did not seriously expect pandemic, large-scale war and the unholy violent eruption of white rage.

Folks are in pain, and in some parts of the world, the incredible human toll rises as people fall to COVID19 while Ukrainians die. Wow, does this hurt! There have been tears, and there are probably even more unshed tears because of the shock.

Folks are in pain in my neighborhood. In my city. In my country. One sure way we can escalate their pain is to dismiss it because we don’t hear bombs falling. You see, some people had agony or were on their way into it before the pandemic and before the war. They may have been near their breaking point already. Be tender when they say, “Well, at least I have my________,” because they may be trying to do more than comfort themselves. They may be covering shame for not being grateful enough and feeling guilty for still being alive, neither of which will treat the pain.


This Is the Measure of My Faith in Humanity


The Women