Christian Nationalism Began Long Before Columbus Discovered America

You’ll get my choice of the above title and its irony in a minute.

What’s the Difference Between Constantine and Vladimir Putin?

I enjoy asking this question because some people think there’s a punch line. Well, in a sense, there is, “Only one of them is Russian.” But it is no joke.

Constantine, the 4th century Roman Emperor who is the developer of Christian Nationalism, was every bit as brutal as Putin, and perhaps worse because he not only lusted for war but had multiple family members executed. Constantine’s immediate predecessor, Diocletian, opted for a much more humane track, eventually.

You remember the famous Shakespearean line, “My horse, my horse, my kingdom for a horse!” In other news, and not from fiction, the Roman Emperor Diocletian left the throne for collard greens (unless you’re a history teacher, you just might need to Google this one). 

For years I have been intrigued with Diocletian, one of the most powerful men in Roman history. He was also behind the massacres of thousands of African Christians. He aimed to consolidate Rome under her traditional religion because, you know, no “wall of separation.” His rule was an actual precursor to Christian nationalism, which Constantine and his successors would perfect. But I think I can relate to Diocletian, who seemed to say, “This is some bullshit,” and just dropped it all and moved to Croatia to become a farmer. 

Gardening is a legit more fantastic release of power and embrace of creativity than domination and murder.

I used to think, “Diocletian, I get becoming bored with all the despotism, but… collard greens? Seriously?” It seemed such a boring turn from one of the biggest adrenaline-fix lifestyles on the planet. During the Lockdown, however, I discovered soil and water. Watching things grow, learning about them, and tending them, is an excellent use of all my energies.

If Diocletian was anything like me, he still got in his share of killing. You could ask my Star Jasmine about that. Or my bougainvillea.

I may have tapped into something primal, going back to the earliest times of hominids. I’m doing dirt in a non-lethal sense. Now, suppose other emperors and wannabe autocrats, including Putin and Trump, who love Christianity in the totalitarians sense of the word, could reach the same conclusion. Well, the phrase “Garden of Eden” comes to mind. Paradise.

I don’t need an empire. If, however, you recall the story of Cain and Abel, you recognize that I still have to watch my back.

And I’ll let you connect the Christian Nationalism-Columbus dots.




My Sweet Spot


So You’re Not A Sociopath. Now What? (part 4)