So You Had An Abortion And Your Community Disapproves
You were conflicted at the time.
Your mind has since been all over the place, telling you that you did a terrible thing.
But the terrible things are done by those who override your conscience with their laws.
So, today, let’s consider how destructive the demagoguery is. Instead of dumping more shame on yourself, consider what our new world looks like now that we mourn the death of Roe v. Wade. Here are the terrible things that happen when abortion is not legal:
The foster care system will be strained more than it is already. Desperate young girls will kill their babies. Suicide rates will rise. We will see more severe birth disorders. Black and Brown and other poor people will sink more deeply. Women and girls will be abused by boyfriends and husbands, not to mention the unwanted babies.
Over the past 24 hours I have heard from different women who want me to know their secret. They want me to know that they once had abortions. Why me? I am someone that these women would not likely contact or possibly even know without the Internet. They write because they need to hear from someone who sees the same Jesus that they do, in the same way that some LGBTQ+ people of faith want to be appreciated.
These women were, or are, part of churches that might have seen them as murderers. I tell them to be proud. They are noble women who made what, at the time, was the most challenging call of their life. Why not tell them that their families should be proud? That their churches should be proud of them?
It should be each family’s and church’s dreams that we all grow in our sense of identity to the point that, while we welcome the wisdom of others, we recognize that we are the only ones who can be experts on our own lives.
That’s maturity.