Black Savior Syndrome
I wrote this out in my mind before I read about the Ohio soccer coach’s sexual misconduct and how his university took five years to acknowledge the victim’s allegation. Then I began to consider again how women try to function within systems, remain safe, and hope to create a better environment. Women do more than their part to “save” their school, company, and society.
Black folks are doing something like this. Facing embedded racism in our schools, religious organizations, and workplaces, they see individuals’ humanity and are confident that decent people will stand for what is just, even when those Black folks experience regular microaggressions. They keep hoping for the best. Yet, while hoping, it may cost them and their families a sense of well-being. Still, they quietly work for redemption.
And that cost, in so many cases, is more than they can afford. I want to encourage Black folks (and all women, especially BIPOC, trans and disabled) to remember that your life is your life. Black folks, you are nobody’s slave. If the school or church is on the verge of failure, please don’t let yourself be crucified as its savior. If you are going to sacrifice your life, do it for something more meaningful to you and something that will ensure that you, your family, and your people can thrive.
Brittney Griner
we love you.
Brittney Griner we love you.