The Joy Of Treating Myself Like I Just Died
If I take myself too seriously, life is heavy to bear. When I embrace it all as a unit, my being is light.
The day that I join the ancestors, or as we say, “go from labor to reward,” will be, just maybe, among the most meaningful events in my existence. I am celebrating now.
Immediately following that moment, people whom I love and love me will hug each other a little longer and a little more tenderly. Whether or not there is a funeral or memorial service, friends will sit together and cry and laugh until they cry even more.
Some will reveal points of my humanity that others did not know, and those who share about me will be proud. Those who receive will be either grateful or shocked.
These are reasons I enjoy the now. A Bible verse says, “I’m torn between two desires: I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me. But for your sakes, it is better that I continue to live.”
I appreciate my immediate worth to my family, community, and the world, so I am in no rush, but I also understand the value and power of bequest.
I love loving and am a gift that will keep on giving.