Brittney Griner

A decade ago, Brittney Griner came out as a lesbian. This was during the time that some athletes were saying things like, “No, we don't got no gay people on the team, they gotta get up out of here if they do.”

As a 6’9” woman, it wasn’t easy to hide in the first place. As one of the very few women at the time who could dunk a basketball, she was even more prominent. Brittney, for that reason, is a cultural leader and a she-ro to many.

Is it any surprise that she would be arrested and imprisoned as a political pawn? Anyone who knows anything about being Black and Queer on planet Earth (the only planet I can speak to) knows that she is a massive chip as a high-profile champion commonly understood to be the best basketball player of all time.

It is ungodly and immoral that Christians (U.S. Evangelicals and Russian Orthodox come to mind), even though this is an issue in most parts of the world, especially where religious fundamentalism prevails, in the name of righteousness, to remain silent about her ordeal. So props to Steph Curry, on the first night of the NBA season, chose to recognize Brittney.

May more of us recognize her greatness and importance to our country’s present and future.

“All nations before Him are as nothing, and they are counted by Him less than nothing and worthless.” (Isaiah 40:17)






Brittney Griner

we love you.

Brittney Griner we love you.



Maybe They Need You To Step Back


Helping People? Just Do It For Yourself.