Kaepernick Does Not Deserve Another Chance

I regularly check Twitter and notice that Colin Kaepernick recurringly trends more than anyone in my feed. Most of the time, it's to contrast his courage and integrity with that of politicians, usually Republicans. Recently the theme has been why “free speech” for Elon Musk but not Kap.

I found it remarkable that within a year of Kap beginning his protests, he was featured in the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) at the Smithsonian (still no exhibit for Clarence Thomas). Also, on Twitter, you can read frequent appeals to the NFL and the country's conscience to "give him another chance" and that he "deserves another opportunity to play."

Our country, or at least advocates and allies, calls for African Americans to be given "a chance." To say that a person deserves another chance implies that they did something wrong, like breaking the law, as in getting caught with a gun in their carry-on, abusing a partner, or driving under the influence. Kaepernick's conduct is not merely appropriate but also exemplary.

It is the NFL, and the country, that should be wondering if they deserve a chance.




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