You Are Not The Enemy

Here’s what spiritual warfare looks like: We, the people, are growing our awareness of one another. The powers-that-be are digging in for the conflict. The powers want us to see each other as enemies because they recognize how serious this is and for us to come together is our secret weapon.

As we say “yes” to one another, a new energy is released.

A Google definition of Intersectionality is “the acknowledgment that everyone has their own unique experiences of discrimination and oppression and we must consider everything and anything that can marginalize people – gender, race, class, sexual orientation, physical ability, etc.” Again, Intersectionality is our secret weapon.

Meanwhile, the Intersectionality of Domination targets us all. It is an epic conspiracy, but get this: it gathers more negative energy because it’s being threatened. And who is the “it” being threatened? It is Satan. Satan is the conspiracy trying to strip and crush us in attempting to get us to turn on one another. This false solidarity rages against common people.

We are better together.


We are better together. 〰️

Wake up, everyone!


Do You Know A Prisoner Of Hope?


Communally Subvert the Dominant Paradigm